A One Page Resume in 2024? Outdated Rule or Golden Standard?

A One Page Resume in 2024? Outdated Rule or Golden Standard?

The question of how long a resume should be has been a topic of debate for years. Some argue that a resume should always be limited to one page, while others believe that the length should depend on the individual's experience and qualifications.

A one-page resume helps employers read it easily. The simpler your resume, the better your chances of making a great first impression and landing the job. However, in reality, some job seekers require a longer resume to showcase their skills, publications, and achievements effectively.

Factors such as the level of experience, the industry, and the specific job requirements can all influence the appropriate length of a resume. For example, a recent graduate with limited work experience may be able to fit their qualifications on a single page, while a professional with a diverse career history may need two or more pages to highlight their accomplishments effectively.

How Long Your Resume Should Be?

There isn't a one-size-fits-all answer to this question. However, there are a few standard guidelines that can assist you in understanding the most suitable length for your resume. It’s essential to consider your experience, accomplishments, and the job requirements you are applying for to determine the best length of your resume. Below are the standard guidelines for resume lengths at different career stages:

  • Resume Length for Fresh Graduates or Juniors: Keep your resume concise and limit it to one-page max. A recent graduate applying for an entry-level position should just highlight their relevant coursework, internships, and academic achievements, focusing on quality content within a single page.
  • Resume Length for Professionals with Less than 10 Years of Experience: Stick to a one-page resume to showcase your skills and achievements effectively. For example, a marketing professional with 8 years of experience should prioritize their most relevant accomplishments, such as successful campaigns, data-driven insights, and cross-functional collaborations, all within a concise one-page format.

  • Resume Length for Professionals with 10 to 15 Years of Experience: A one or two-page resume is acceptable, depending on your experience and industry. A one-page resume remains the standard, yet professionals in academia or healthcare may require additional space to showcase their necessary skills effectively.
  • Resume Length for Professionals with More than 15 Years of Experience: The resume length can vary from one to two pages or more, depending on the industry and specific job requirements. For example, a senior lecturer with hundreds of publications and achievements may need a three-page resume to adequately highlight their career progression, significant achievements, and publications. However, a senior software engineer with 18 years of experience might still be able to convey their expertise and accomplishments within two pages, focusing on the most relevant and impactful projects and technical skills.

Tips to Make the Best Resume on One Page

If you're aiming to create a shorter resume, there are several tips you can use to highlight the most essential information:

  • Year of work experience: When deciding how many years of work experience to include on a resume, a general rule of thumb is to limit it to the past 10-15 years. This timeframe allows you to showcase your most recent and relevant experience without overwhelming the recruiters with too much information. However, if you have experience beyond this range that is particularly relevant to the position you're applying for, it may be worth including. Moreover, it's important to note that age discrimination is a big challenge for some job seekers. By limiting your work history to the most recent and relevant positions, you can avoid potentially revealing your age and minimize the risk of discrimination. If you have a lengthy career history, consider focusing on the most significant achievements and experiences that demonstrate your qualifications for the role you're seeking.
  • List important accomplishments instead of tasks: Rather than simply listing your job duties, focus on your most significant achievements in each role. This approach saves space and demonstrates your value to potential employers. For example, instead of writing: “Responsibilities included:
  • Managing social media accounts across multiple platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter
  • Creating engaging content for various platforms, such as posts, stories, and videos, to increase brand awareness and audience engagement
  • Analyzing social media metrics using tools like Google Analytics to track performance and identify areas for improvement
  • Collaborating with the marketing team to develop and execute social media campaigns aligned with overall marketing objectives"

You could condense this information by focusing on your key accomplishments:

  • " Developed and executed a targeted social media strategy, increasing Instagram followers by 25% and engagement by 35%
  • Collaborated with marketing to align efforts, contributing to a 15% increase in website traffic and a 10% boost in a lead generation"
  • Remove irrelevant or optional information: Review your resume for information that may not be directly relevant to the position you're applying for. This could include outdated skills, hobbies, or references. For instance, if you're applying for a marketing role, your volunteering at an animal shelter may not be relevant. By removing this information, you can make room for more relevant details that showcase your suitability for the job.
  • Exclude repeated job descriptions: Avoid duplicating job descriptions if you've held similar roles across various companies. Hiring managers don't need to see "managed project timelines" listed five times. Focus instead on the unique achievements or skills developed in each position.
  • Use an AI resume builder: Online resume builders such as Seekario.ai can be a helpful tool for creating a concise, well-formatted resume. These platforms often provide templates designed to fit key information on one page. A few of these online tools, such as Seekario, provide services for resume tailoring, optimizing your content, and accentuating your most relevant qualifications.

By implementing these strategies, you can effectively keep your resume to a single page without sacrificing the quality or impact of your content. Remember, the goal is to showcase your most relevant and impressive qualifications in a clear, concise manner that captures the attention of potential employers.


The ideal length of a resume depends on various factors, including the individual's level of experience, industry, and specific job requirements. While a one-page resume is generally preferred for its conciseness and ease of reading, there are situations where a longer resume may be necessary to effectively showcase an individual's qualifications and achievements. To create an effective resume, it's essential to focus on relevant information, highlight significant accomplishments rather than tasks, and remove any irrelevant or repeated content. Utilizing an AI resume builder like Seekario.ai can also help in creating a well-formatted and optimized resume that showcases your most relevant qualifications. Try Seekario now!