How to Start a Cover Letter: 6 Opening Tips

How to Start a Cover Letter: 6 Opening Tips

We all know that writing a great cover letter can be a real challenge, especially when you're trying to make a lasting impression on potential employers. The first few lines of your cover letter are super important because they can either make the hiring manager want to keep reading or toss your application aside. Personalizing your greeting is a simple but effective way to make sure your application gets noticed.

We've put together seven essential tips to help you kick off your cover letter the right way in this article. We also explain how can help you craft a personalized cover letter with one click in a few seconds.

Tip 1. Personalize Your Greeting: The Key to Standing Out

A personalized greeting makes your cover letter more engaging. It shows that you've taken the time to look into the company and its employees, which proves that you're genuinely interested in the job. Cover letters with a personal touch are more likely to be read from start to finish than those that begin with a generic "Dear Sir/Madam."

To find the hiring manager's name, try searching on LinkedIn for titles like "Hiring Manager," "Recruitment Officer," or even specific roles related to the job you want. You can also check out the company's website, especially the "About Us" or "Team" sections.

If you can't find a specific name after giving it your best shot, you can try using department-specific or role-specific greetings instead. Something like "Dear [Department] Team", or "Dear [Company Name] Recruitment Team," still shows effort and attention to detail. While these are more generic than addressing someone by name, they're far more personalized than "To Whom It May Concern" or "Dear Sir/Madam".

Tip 2. Start With Enthusiasm: Captivating the Hiring Manager's Attention

The first few lines of your cover letter can set the tone for the whole application. Starting with enthusiasm grabs the hiring manager's attention and shows that you're genuinely interested in the job and the company. Enthusiasm is powerful. It makes your cover letter memorable and sets you apart from other candidates who might just start by listing their qualifications or rehashing their resume.

A LinkedIn study found that 45% of hiring managers consider a positive attitude a must-have quality in job candidates, and nearly one-third (31%) think that enthusiasm for the company's mission is really valuable.

To express enthusiasm effectively, mention the company by name to show that your letter is tailored specifically to them. Explain exactly why you're excited about the role or the company, whether it's their innovative approach, the company's culture, or how the job aligns with your career goals. Use energetic language like "I was thrilled to discover..." or "I am deeply passionate about..." And if the company's mission or values resonate with you, mention it to show your genuine enthusiasm.

Here's an example of an enthusiastic opening:

  • "I was thrilled to see your posting for the Marketing Coordinator position at [Company Name]. Your innovative campaigns have always inspired me, and the opportunity to contribute to such a creative team is my dream come true."
  • "When I read about the Software Developer opening at [Company Name], I couldn't resist the chance to apply. Your commitment to cutting-edge technology and user-centric design aligns perfectly with my professional values and skills."

Tip 3. Highlight a Connection: Use Relationships in Your Cover Letter

Mentioning a professional connection early in your cover letter can significantly boost your chances of landing an interview. This strategy taps into the idea of social proof, suggesting that someone within the company or industry can confirm your skills fit the role.

The Importance of Referrals

Referrals are incredibly powerful in the job application process. LinkedIn stats show that referred candidates are up to four times more likely to be hired than those who apply without a referral. Plus, referrals can speed up the hiring process because they add a layer of trust and credibility to your application right from the get-go.

How to Mention a Connection

When mentioning a connection, make sure to do it respectfully and professionally. Here's how to incorporate this into your cover letter effectively:

  • Get Permission: Before including someone's name in your cover letter, get permission from the person you're naming to ensure they're ok with it and prepared to endorse you if contacted.
  • State the Relationship Clearly: Clearly state your relationship with the person and why their recommendation should be considered, especially if they're a respected leader within the company or your industry.
  • Link the Referral to Your Qualifications: Link the referral to your qualifications by explaining why it motivated you to apply, like if the person praised the company's culture or discussed specific challenges you're excited to tackle.

Here's an example of highlighting a connection effectively: "Jane Doe, the Director of Engineering and a mentor of mine, highly recommended I apply for this role. She believes my innovative approach to problem-solving and passion for sustainable design perfectly aligns with the role's requirements."

Tip 4. Show Them You've Done Your Homework: Tailoring Your Cover Letter

Tailoring your cover letter showing that you've researched the company and understand its goals, challenges, and culture is key to making your cover letter stand out. A tailored cover letter proves to the hiring manager that you're not just looking for any old job, but that you're specifically interested in this company and this role.

  • Reference Recent Achievements or News: Reference recent achievements or news about the company to show that you're up-to-date with what's going on and genuinely interested in their success. For example, "I was impressed by your recent launch of [Product/Service], which addresses [specific need/problem] and showcases your commitment to innovation."
  • Align Your Experience with Company Goals: Explain how your skills and experiences line up with the company's objectives or long-term goals. This shows that you can make a real contribution from day one. For instance, "Given your focus on expanding into international markets, my fluency in three languages and experience with cross-cultural teams would be particularly relevant."
  • Show Enthusiasm for the Company Culture: Express your enthusiasm for what you've learned about the company's culture and how you see yourself fitting in and contributing. For example, "Your emphasis on collaboration and continuous learning resonates with my professional philosophy and approach to work."

Tip 5. Use a Strong Statement or Question

Including a bold statement or an interesting question in your opening statement can immediately grab the hiring manager's attention. This approach is great because it breaks away from the standard cover letter intros, sparking curiosity or resonance right from the start.

  • Crafting a Bold Statement: A bold statement should highlight a major achievement, a personal belief that aligns with the company's values, or an impressive fact about your career. The key is to make it relevant to the job and the company's goals. For example: "Transforming underperforming teams into award-winning powerhouses has been the hallmark of my career, a challenge I'm eager to undertake at [Company Name]."
  • Posing an Intriguing Question: Including a question in your opening statement engages the reader's curiosity and prompts them to think about the answer, making them more invested in reading the rest of your cover letter. Ensure the question is directly related to the challenges or goals of the position or company. For instance: "How can [Company Name] continue to innovate in the [industry] space? With my background in [specific skill or project], I believe I hold a key piece of the puzzle."

A strong statement or question works because it deviates from the norm, ensuring your cover letter stands out. However, this approach can help especially if you're applying for startups and innovative companies. It showcases your confidence, creativity, and ability to think differently—valuable qualities in almost any role.

Tip 6. Showcase a Key Achievement: Demonstrating Your Competence

Starting your cover letter with a key achievement is a powerful way to make an immediate impact. This approach shows off your qualifications and sets a positive tone by highlighting your capabilities through concrete examples. When picking an achievement to feature, choose one that's relevant to the job you're applying for and reflects skills or experiences that would be valuable to the potential employer.

Let's say the job asks for a problem-solver or a team leader. In that case, choose an accomplishment that demonstrates these qualities. Whenever possible, use numbers to quantify your achievement. Numbers provide clear evidence of your impact and make your accomplishment more tangible. For instance, "Increased sales by 20% within one year by implementing a new strategic marketing plan."

Here's an example opening: "Driving a 30% increase in user engagement through a targeted social media strategy at my last job, I am excited to bring my proven track record of enhancing digital footprints to [Company Name]."

How to Use Seekario to Write a Personalized Cover Letter

Crafting the perfect opening statement is an important aspect that many job seekers tend to overlook. It's not that easy to remember so many tips when applying for dozens, if not hundreds, of jobs. However, there's no need to worry. can help you create a compelling cover letter tailored to a specific job description. Using advanced AI, Seekario effectively highlights the skills that are most relevant to the job description you are applying for.

Follow these steps to create your personalized cover letter for each job:

  1. Go to
  2. Create a free account
  3. Upload your resume
  4. Import the URL of the job posting you want to apply for
  5. Click on 'Write Cover Letter'

That's it. Sit back and relax! We generate your personalized cover letter in just a few seconds. You can download it as a PDF or Word document using our free templates.


Starting your cover letter in a compelling and personalized way can significantly impact your job application's success. By following the tips above, you'll be able to capture the hiring manager's attention and make a strong first impression.

You can also use Seekario to write your cover letters like a pro! Try Seekario now!
