What Should a Cover Letter Include? Key Elements and What to Write About

What Should a Cover Letter Include? Key Elements and What to Write About

Crafting a compelling cover letter is important in the job application process. It's your chance to introduce yourself, show off your skills, and tell the company why you're the perfect fit for the job. But what should you include in your cover letter? Here, we break down the five key elements your cover letter should contain and provide insights on what to write about to make your application stand out.

1. Introduction: The Gateway to Your Cover Letter

Introduction is like your first impression - you want to make it count! Start by explaining who you are and what job you're applying for. It might seem obvious, but hiring managers appreciate the clarity. Try to find the name of the person you're writing to and address them directly. It shows you've done your research and you're paying attention to detail. If you can't find a name, a simple "Dear Hiring Manager" will do the trick.

Here's an example: "Dear Ms. Johnson, I am writing to express my interest in the Senior Graphic Designer position at Creative Solutions, as advertised on LinkedIn."

Your Opening Statement Matters

Your opening can make or break your cover letter. It's your chance to grab the hiring manager's attention and make them want to keep reading. Here are a few things a strong opening should do:

  • Make them interested: Start with something that will make the hiring manager sit up and take notice. Maybe you have a mutual connection, or you're really excited about the role. Or maybe you saw something interesting the company did recently that you loved. For example, you might say:
  • "Upon discovering Creative Solutions' award-winning campaign for EcoWorld, I was inspired by the innovative design and your commitment to sustainability. As a graphic designer deeply passionate about environmental causes, I am eager to bring my expertise in environmentally-conscious design to the Senior Graphic Designer role."
  • How did you hear about the job: If you found the job through a networking connection or by keeping up with the company's work, mention it! It shows you're proactive and genuinely interested.
  • Set the tone: Your opening is your first chance to show your communication skills and professionalism. Keep it clear and to the point, and match your tone to the company's vibe.

Studies show that personalization and being direct are super important in cover letters. Almost half of hiring managers say a strong, personalized cover letter has convinced them to interview someone with a not-so-great resume.

2. Why You Want this Job

Understanding the Company

This is where you show off your passion for the company and the role. Do your homework and find out what the company is all about. Before you start writing, make sure to read the About page of the company accurately - really dig in! Check out recent news stories, scroll through their social media, and read their industry reports. This will give you a good idea of the challenges they're facing, what they've accomplished, and where they're headed. By showing that you've taken the time to understand the company, you're demonstrating your initiative and genuine interest in joining their team. Plus, it'll help you tailor your cover letter to show why you're the perfect fit!

  • Example: "Your company’s innovative approach to integrating sustainability in its product lines deeply resonates with my personal and professional ethos. Having led a community-based recycling initiative, I am eager to contribute to a team prioritizing environmental responsibility at the core of its business operations."

Show Your Excitement

You want to let them know exactly why this opportunity is interesting to you! Maybe it's the chance to work with some cutting-edge tech. Or maybe you're excited about the potential to make a real difference in society. Or it could be the idea of being part of an awesome, dynamic team. Whatever it is that's drawing you to this role, be specific! Show them how it lines up with your career goals and the things you're passionate about. The more they can see your enthusiasm, the better!

  • Example: "I am particularly interested in this role at [Company Name] because of its pioneering work in developing accessible educational technology. As someone who believes in leveraging technology to enhance learning experiences for all, I am excited to contribute to projects that make a real difference."

Linking to Personal Development Goals

If you have any personal experiences that align with the company's work, mention them! For example, if you're applying to an environmentally-friendly company, talk about your eco-friendly projects or volunteer work.

  • Example: "The prospect of working with a team that pushes the boundaries of digital innovation aligns perfectly with my goal to develop cutting-edge software solutions. I am particularly excited about the opportunity for professional growth through [Company Name]'s renowned mentorship programs and continuous learning environment."

3. Why You are a Good Fit: Highlight Your Relevant Skills and Experiences

Now it's time to prove you've got what it takes to do the job.

Tip 1: Look at the job description and pick a few key required skills that you are really good at. It's not about listing every skill you have but focusing on what's most relevant to the job. Then, give specific examples of how you've used those skills in your past work.

  • Example: "If the job requires strong project management skills, you might write, 'In my previous role as Project Manager at XYZ Corporation, I successfully led a team of 10 in completing a $2M project on time and under budget, enhancing client satisfaction by 35%.'"

Tip 2: You want to show hiring managers you're a good fit for this job. The best way to do that is with concrete examples and achievements that you can quantify. In other words, use numbers! Percentages, dollar amounts, or any other relevant metrics can help measure your impact. It's like adding a "wow" factor to your claims. Instead of just saying you're good at something, you're showing them exactly how good you are.

  • Example: "During my tenure as a Digital Marketing Specialist, I implemented a targeted ad campaign that increased website traffic by 50% and boosted online sales by 20% within the first quarter."

Tip 3: Employers love people who can manage problems professionally and come out on top. They want to see that you can handle challenges and adapt to whatever comes your way. So, if you've ever tackled a tricky problem, or overcome a hurdle, now's the time to highlight those moments in your cover letter. It shows hiring managers you're the kind of person who can come up with great solutions.

  • Example: "Faced with a sudden budget cut, I creatively reallocated resources in my department to maintain productivity, ultimately achieving our key performance indicators (KPIs) with 15% less funding."

Tip 4: Remember that writing a great cover letter is not just about your technical skills. Soft skills like teamwork and problem-solving are important too. Showing how you've used those skills to make a difference in your past roles makes your cover letter stand out.

  • Example: " In my previous role, my conflict management skills accelerated project timelines, boosting productivity and team morale, and resulting in a 15% faster project delivery"

Tip 5: If you're making a career change or have gaps in your employment, use this section to put a positive spin on those experiences. Focus on the transferable skills you gained from your previous career that will come in handy for the new one you're going for.

  • Example: "During my year-long break from the corporate world, I created an online web design course. This experience sharpened my digital content creation skills and showed that I can effectively engage and teach people from all backgrounds."

5. Closing and Call to Action

End your cover letter by thanking the reader for their time and consideration. Reiterate your excitement for the role and the company, and let them know you're eager to take the next step.

Expressing Gratitude and Interest

Start your closing paragraph by giving the reader a big thank you for taking the time to look over your application. It shows that you're professional and you respect the effort they've put in. Then, give them a quick reminder of how excited you are about the role and the company.

  • Example: "I appreciate your time in reviewing my application. I am very excited about the opportunity to bring my skills and experience to [Company Name], contributing to innovative solutions and team success."
  • Example: "Thank you for considering my application! I'm really excited about the opportunity to bring my skills and experience to [Company Name] and contribute to building innovative solutions."

The Call to Action

Don't just let your cover letter end without any action – take the lead and ask for a follow-up! Politely suggest an interview or a meeting to discuss more about your application. This shows the hiring manager that you're proactive and genuinely interested in the role.

  • Example: "I look forward to the possibility of discussing my application in more detail and am available at your earliest convenience. Please feel free to contact me via phone or email."

Leaving a Lasting Impression

You want the last thing the hiring manager reads to be something that sticks with them. Wrap up your letter on a positive note that shows you're confident and excited about the opportunity. A strong closing statement can leave a great impression and make hiring managers more likely to get back to you.

Example: "Thank you again for considering my application. I am eager to bring my passion and expertise to [Company Name] and am excited about contributing to your team."

How to Use Seekario to Write a Personalized Cover Letter

Crafting the perfect cover letter is an important aspect that many job seekers tend to overlook. It's not that easy to remember so many tips when applying for dozens, if not hundreds, of jobs. However, there's no need to worry. Seekario.ai can help you create a compelling cover letter tailored to a specific job description. Using advanced AI, Seekario effectively highlights the skills that are most relevant to the job description you are applying for.

Follow these steps to create your personalized cover letter for each job:

  1. Go to https://seekario.ai
  2. Create a free account
  3. Upload your resume
  4. Import the URL of the job posting you want to apply for
  5. Click on 'Write Cover Letter'

That's it. Sit back and relax! We generate your personalized cover letter in just a few seconds. You can download it as a PDF or Word document using our free templates.


In conclusion, how you write your cover letter has an important impact on your application. You can leave a strong, lasting impression on the hiring manager by expressing your enthusiasm, summarizing your qualifications, including a call to action.

You can also use Seekario to write your cover letters like a pro! Try Seekario now!
